Faced with the money crisis due to the down grading economy, people are looking for helpful survival advice that can deliver a solution. During recession, people shift into a financial panic. With all the overdue bills piling up, empty accounts and foreclosure threats. The following survival tips can help ease things up.
Keep your Family Intact:
A larger percentage of people have now shifted to survival mode. This kind of financial stress can break a family, don't allow the current economic downturn mess up your family or marriage. Blames are not going to solve anything at present times.
The economy has not affected just the two of you but everyone else out there. You are in this mess together and can get out together. Acknowledge the situation and be willing to seat down and evaluate it.
Deal With The Truth:
This is very important, things are definitely not the way they were some years back. You cannot afford to shop as much anymore or eat out as many times as before. Now you have other things that you need to prioritize
List down all your expenses individually and add them together. Include recurring monthly expenses as well as those that occur less frequently. Next to each expense, write either P for postpone, E for eliminate, R for reduce or K for keep. You will realize that balancing the check will be less difficult as you continue to catch up on expenses.
Make Minimum Payments on Credit Cards:
This goes for all loans and debts, you want to pay as little as you can. You will need as much cash on hand as possible. Build your emergency fund to 6 to 12 months savings. In case you lose your job, you will need to tap into this emergency funds to put food on the table and pay bills.
Get a Loan:
This will help you create a faux emergency account. If you have a house and do not have 12 months of living expenses in an emergency fund, first try to get a home equity line of credit. If you can, then withdraw from this home equity line at least a years worth of expenses and deposit that money into an FDIC-guaranteed savings account.
If you don't have any line of credit for those without a house, look to other sources of credit. You want to have as much access as you can to cash money for security reasons. Good luck.